Friday, July 10, 2020

Joann’s Pattern Haul

Hi everyone thank you for coming back each week. So as part of my #nospendonfabric2020 journey. 
I went to @Joann_srores not looking for fabric, just sewing patterns. 
Simplicity pattern was on sale $1.99 regular price $19.99 and up..  I got five pic shown. I know I have not been there in a while, today I found out there are no pattern books anymore. We have to go thur each drawer to find our choices..That is so weird to me. 
So what have you guys done in quarantine that is a gift of you now.

This fabric came from @fabricwarehouse in Colonia NJ.
This actually for a summer shower curtain.

Friday, July 3, 2020


Hi guys I’m just showing my progress on my December quilt I still have a lot to do. However this is my downtime project. I will post till I’m done. Any ideas of how to sew the inner stabilizer and the backing. Oh it will be queen size. Progress every step.

